If you aspire to entertain and connect with an audience then here’s something especially for you…
Calcutta Media Institute presents a 3-in-1 course on Anchoring, News Casting and Radio Jockeying by the best in the business – Stage and TV Presenter Rini Biswas and famous Radio Personality Jaideep Banerjee. They will guide and train you to master the art…
All sessions will be of 1.5 hours duration
Total 24 classes
Session starts at 6 pm
Faculty: Mr. Jaideep Banerjee (Wednesday)
Subject: Radio Anchoring
Session: 1
FM Radio in India – How FM Radio started and changed over time
Session: 2
Programming Design – Programming Clock/Familiarity with terms/Basic use of RCS
Session: 3
Construction of the Radio Team – Various departments & their function. The people structure.
Session: 4
Radio Vs. Other Media – Merits and De-merits of Radio compared with other media.
Session: 5
Basics for Radio Anchors – Why should someone listen to me ?
Session: 6
Radio Anchoring vs Anchoring for other media
Session: 7
Content Creation for Radio Anchors – Content link demonstration – examples of what’s right and what’s not. Student exercise.
Session: 8
Day Part Anchoring – Anchoring for different day part. Changes in content and tonality in line with audiences during different day parts
Session: 9
The Mood Map – Mood map for different day parts, days of the week, month, seasons etc.
Session: 10
Synergies between Radio & Digital – Radio in post COVID times – shift to digital – videos, podcasts etc.
Session: 11
Exercise – ‘Create your own radio station’
Session: 12
Future of Radio in India & Job opportunities – What do employers look for
Faculty: Ms. Rini Biswas (Friday)
Subject: TV & Stage Anchoring
Session: 1
Introduction (one to one).
Session: 2
Voice control, voice modulation and Pronunciation.
Session: 3
Basics of News reading and Anchoring.
Session: 4
Various jobs in a News Channel, types of news and role of a News Caster.
Session: 5 & 6
Talk show host and moderating an event for TV channels.
Session: 7 & 8
Stage show (types and techniques).
Session: 9
Interview (getting ready to take the interview, homework etc).
Session: 10
Anchor styling (Costume, make up etc).
Session: 11 & 12
Practice and individual Assessment.

This unique course, may be for the first time in Eastern India, has been designed especially for the young people who want to build their career in anchoring whether it is on stage or on television, or want to be a news reader in a regional or national news channel or a radio jockey in a FM channel in any part of India in any language, whether it is Bengali or English or Hindi…

Anchoring on stage or in front of a camera

News reader on a local or national news channel

Radio jockey on FM channel in any region of India
Mr. Jaideep Banerjee
Jaideep has been involved with FM radio in India ever since it’s infancy. At the time when ‘Radio Announcers’ were renamed as ‘RJs’, Jaideep was hosting one of the most popular shows on radio at the time – ‘Amazer Long Playing Hour’, sponsored by Apollo tyres. During the time he was also one of the leading English Voice Over Artistes in the country. Stationed in Delhi, Jaideep voiced for top brands for both radio and television. He was the lead voice for various commercials made by Pradeep Sarkar and Shantanu Maitra. From 1998 to early 2001, he worked as a sports broadcaster for Trans World International whose shows were broadcast on DD Sports and Star Sports. In mid 2001, Jaideep was instrumental in setting up one of India’s first FM stations in Lucknow – Radio City. He has also been involved in station set up operations in Hyderabad (Radio City) and in Kolkata (Friends FM).
Jaideep has worked in Delhi, Lucknow and Kolkata. Under Jaideep’s leadership in programming, key radio stations like Radio City Delhi, Friends FM Kolkata and Fever FM Kolkata achieved hugely improved listenership ratings. While Radio City Delhi achieved a phenomenal listenership growth under Jaideep, Friends FM and Fever FM topped listenership ratings on a consistent basis.
Jaideep Banerjee was Vice President, Programming for Fever FM under the HT group, and is settled in Kolkata.
Ms. Rini Biswas
Rini, became the face of Regional News in the year 2000, with Khas Khabor (The very first private prime time news in Bengal), while she was pursuing her Masters in Economics from Jadavpur University.
Very quickly she was working with all the major Regional Channel. Her journey still continues. She conceived, produced and anchored very first non-news “Evening ‘Live’ musical program” in Bangla Satellite channels. She was one of the major faces of Tara Music’s Flagship program ‘Aaj Shokaler Amantrone’. Another pioneer in that segment of morning shows. Currently, she is doing the morning live show of Akaash Aath - "Good Morning Akaash".
Rini has done numerous shows both in India and abroad, including hosting NABC. She is a regular emcee in both govt and corporate sector.
A columnist in newspapers like ‘AajKaal’, ‘Sangbad Protidin’ and many web magazines with a readership follower of more than a lakh.
She has got three published books and a host of audio releases on poems in different genre.
She has got around ten recitation albums form both India and Bangladesh.
Fee Structure
At the time of admission, INR 25,000 + 18% GST must be paid.
25,000 INR
4,500 INR
Total Fee
29,500 INR
3,05,000 INR
Payment can be made by account payee cheque or demand draft drawn in favour of CALCUTTA MEDIA INSTITUTE Pvt Ltd. And payable at Kolkata.
For payment by NEFT use the following information about CMI Bank account:
ADDRESS: 501 Elgin Chambers, 1A Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700020
C D A/C NO: 50200060714930
MICR NO: 700240024
Send Transaction Id to CMI at post completion of the transfer of funds
Course Start Dates & Campus
Classes for Session 9 begin- dates to be announced soon
Classes shall be held on Wednesday & Friday, every week as per the following schedule:
Wednesday (6 pm – 7.30 pm) Jaideep Banerjee
Friday (6 pm – 7.30 pm) Rini Biswas
Calcutta Media Institute (CMI), 501 Elgin Chambers, 5th Floor, 1A Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, Kolkata
Admission Process
For Registration:
To Apply Online for Anchor…zing Course, click on the button below or
Collect a physical form from:
CMI, 501, Elgin Chambers, 5th Floor, 1A, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, Calcutta 700 020.
Fill up the form, fix or upload a recent photograph, attach an address proof and submit at CMI or online
In case of any further queries, please call 40576612 or 9051653877