Online Certificate Programme on Business Analytics

Professional Certificate Courses

Online Certificate Programme on Business Analytics

This 3 months (120 hours) Online Certificate Course in BUSINESS ANALYTICS [Analytics for Marketing] is intended for working professionals   to help them acquire the fundamental skills required to use analytics for taking strategic and tactical decisions the field of marketing.

Foundation knowledge required to understand analytics

  • Basic statistics
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Factor Analysis
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Advanced Excel


Data Issues

  • Efficiency measures, Effectiveness measures and business outcome measures


Analytics for Marketing

  • Market Segment Analysis
  • Consumer choice analysis
  • Life time value analysis
  • Price optimization and revenue management
  • Application of marketing analytics in retail products


Evaluation and Grading


There will be several areas of evaluation comprising:

  • level of attendance during sessions conducted by faculty
  • level of participation during class discussion,
  • surprise quiz,
  • Individual and group work on case studies / Term Papers for Action Learning
  • Formal presentation of case studies/ Term papers
  • End of the program examinations

An overall evaluation will be made on relative basis considering performance in above mentioned areas. Each participant will be graded as either excellent or good or average or fair or poor depending on his/her overall performance relative to the batch


A COMPLETION certificate will be issued only if the composite level of attendance and class participation is 60% or above and overall grade is at least Average. Those who will not meet this minimum requirement will be issued a PARTICIPATION Certificate

The pedagogy adapted for delivering this course is a combination of online faculty conducted live lectures, hands on demonstrations, take-home hands-on assignments and industry case studies. This pedagogy will enable participants to get an all-round exposure in the field of business analytics [Marketing] and its real-life application in industry.


This Course design includes [a] 40 hours of faculty conducted sessions and [b] 80 hours of self-paced learning [guided and monitored by the Academy on a regular basis], implying a total involvement of 120 hours which will take place over a period of 3 months.

All 40 hours of faculty conducted sessions will be delivered over 100% LIVE and 2 Way INTERACTIVE Communication [with LIVE Audio and Video streaming] Platform of The Strategy Academy, accessible from ANYWHERE on REALTIME basis OUTSIDE working hours. Recordings of all sessions will be available for re-visiting the content after each session is over. Self-paced learning of 80 hours will take place in between faculty conducted sessions and shall include – among others – study of core and additional reading materials, preparation and submission of individual and group assignments, individual presentations over LIVE Digital platform and virtual syndicate room group discussions outside faculty conducted sessions on cases to be discussed by faculty.


Smart Learning & Transformation Solution [SLTS], The Complete Transformation Solution will be deployed to design and deliver this program.

Professionals in fields of sales, marketing, advertising, communication, IT, BPO working for at least 5 years and preferably holding middle/ senior managerial responsibility.

On successful completion of this Certificate Course, the participants are expected to


  • Acquire foundation knowledge required to understand analytics including key issues relating to data used in analytics
  • Acquire all critical skills coming under the field of business analytics

Apply the skills so acquired in a specific area viz.  Analytics for Marketing

The program is designed by a team of business analytics professionals with active support of and direction by Prof Ranjan Das, Professor  of Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Prof Das is associated with: IIM Calcutta [1994 onwards], The Strategy Academy [2008 onwards], IIM Ranchi [ Visiting: 2014-15], IIM Trichy [ Visiting: 2014-17], UPH University- Jakarta [Visiting:2014-17], Indian School of Business, Hyderabad [Visiting: 2008-09], Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong [Visiting: 2005-06], Haigazian College, Beirut, Lebanon [Visiting: 1979-80]

Rs. 30,000/ + 18% GST, early bird pricing of 25,000+GST is applicable for all the admission within 20th September 2020


For payment by NEFT use the following information about CMI Bank account :


 ADDRESS: 501 Elgin Chambers, 1A Ashutosh Mukherjee Road , Kolkata – 700 020



 C D A/C NO: 50200060714930


MICR NO: 700240024


Send Transaction Id to CMI at post completion of the transfer of funds

Course Duration : 3 months

Classes will be held online

Start date- 6th October

Limited seats

Admission on a first-come-first-registered basis.

We might hold an admission test if the number of applicants are overwhelming.

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